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Police Chase in Richmond County Leads to Arrest of Fugitive

Augusta, GA – A police pursuit in Richmond County, Georgia, resulted in the capture of a 37-year-old fugitive, Reginald Franklin, on Thursday afternoon. Deputies with the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office initiated the stop of a vehicle at the intersection of Jackson Road and Wrightsboro Road around 4:35 p.m.

According to the sheriff’s office, the passenger of the vehicle, later identified as Franklin, immediately fled on foot after the stop. Deputies pursued and arrested Franklin shortly thereafter. Authorities confirmed that Franklin was wanted on an outstanding escape warrant issued by the Georgia Department of Corrections stemming from Macon State Prison. Additionally, he was also facing a felony probation violation warrant in Richmond County.

The driver of the vehicle, who has not been identified, fled the scene during the incident, prompting a vehicle pursuit by deputies. The chase stretched across state lines and ultimately ended at the South Carolina state line along I-520. Law enforcement from North Augusta, South Carolina, then took over the situation and successfully stopped the vehicle, apprehending the driver.

Richmond County Sheriff Eugene Brantley expressed his appreciation to the members of the Sheriff’s Office Fugitive Task Force for their role in Franklin’s arrest. He also extended gratitude to the South Carolina law enforcement agencies for their assistance in apprehending the driver.

The incident highlights the collaborative efforts between Georgia and South Carolina authorities in responding to criminal activity and ensuring public safety.

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