
Augusta Downtown Beautification Project Raises Concerns Among Local Business Owners

AUGUSTA, Ga. — A new project designed to beautify downtown Augusta has left some business owners concerned about its potential impact on their operations. The downtown revitalization initiative, set to begin at the end of February, includes significant changes to the area, such as reduced parking spaces, which are already a challenge for many businesses.

Penelope Ballas-Stewart, the owner of Luigi’s restaurant, expressed her concerns about the impact of the project on her business. “We would lose about two-thirds of our parking on the block, including the area immediately in front of our business,” she said. “We already battle parking issues, so that was a surprise.”

The changes are part of a broader plan to enhance the aesthetic appeal of downtown Augusta, but business owners are worried the loss of parking could drive away customers. Ballas-Stewart added that many of her patrons already face difficulty finding parking, and this new plan may worsen the problem, especially for evening customers. “We already battle people coming downtown at night or who are afraid to come downtown for perceived crime. If they are expected to park blocks away and walk at night, they’re not going to do that,” she said.

City officials have acknowledged the concerns and are taking steps to address them. John Ussery, assistant director of traffic for Augusta, said the city has asked its engineering consultant to review the parking situation again. “We don’t want to affect anybody in a negative way,” Ussery said. “We’ve asked them to take a second look and see if we can maybe add some of the parking that was moved around, particularly along Broad Street where there are many restaurants. We understand people want to park and eat, and we want to keep that patronage going.”

In addition to parking, safety concerns have also been raised by local business owners, particularly about perceived crime in the area. Ballas-Stewart mentioned that some customers are hesitant to visit downtown at night due to concerns about safety, even though she believes the actual crime rate may not be as high as people think. “Perception is reality,” she said. “If people are afraid to come down here, they won’t come, especially if they have to park farther away and walk at night.”

City officials are working to improve safety in response to these concerns. Ussery explained that the project would include upgrades to street lighting to enhance the area’s safety, particularly at night. “There will be a lot more street lighting than there is today,” he said. “These types of improvements should really enhance the area above just the parking.”

As the project moves forward, city officials remain committed to balancing the need for aesthetic improvements with the concerns of local business owners. The downtown beautification project is set to begin at the end of February, and the city will continue to work with businesses to ensure that the changes benefit both the area’s appearance and its local economy.

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